Desert of Kansas

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Welcome to Fayum Temple #209, A.E.A.O.N.M.S and Fayum Court #192, Daughter of Isis (DOI), Manhattan, Kansas

Fayum Court 192 honored daughter:  Dt. Viranda Slappy, Daughter of Isis (DOI) is the winner of the Imperial Deputy of the Oasis Year 2011 Award from the 100th Imperial Session, DOI held in Cincinnati, Ohio August 12-18, 2011

Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine
of North and South America and Its Jurisdictions Inc.
Prince Hall Affiliation



We all have important values and ideas, things we care about and want to share. Sometimes we feel our ideas can even change the world, and we want to let other people know how they can join in and make all our lives better.

This site will present our nonprofit organization's cause or ideas to the world. As communicating isn't always easy, we'll try to include photos and images that convey our message (remember, a well-chosen picture is a great way to get a point across). We'll also include specific information about our organization and its members, so no one forgets the people behind the pictures.
While visiting our site, let us be grateful for the privilege of being able to reach out to touch other Nobles and Daughters, to the extent that their lives will be more meaningful and much happier.  Wherein there will be rays of hope, peace, harmony and love permeating the Shrine community.  May it become so resounding by the time we depart back to our various Deserts, that we will joyfully utter that melodious cry to one another, "May God continue to shower His blessing upon each of you."

Mission Statement

Our goal is to fulfill the needs of every Nobles and Daughters among our Desert of Kansas and assist with their organizational goals as they strive to be successful throughout the state of Kansas.  So, if you are a Noble or Daughter in the state of Kansas come and visit our Temples and Courts.  For more information navigate through our site for upcoming events.


ABOVE PHOTO: Illustrious Potentate Noble
Anthony Gibson, Fayum Temple #209

BELOW PHOTO: Illustrious Commandress Daughter
Ruby Hankins, Fayum Court #192

Daughter Ruby Hankins
Illustrious Commandress Fayum Court #192

Imperial Deputy for the Desert of Kansas-Deceased
From: June 1, 2002 thru March 30, 2014

 Noble Roy H. Althouse, Imperial Deputy for the Desert of Kansas, member Fayum Temple #209 

Are you moving to our area?

Copyright 2006, Desert of Kansas