Desert of Kansas

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Fayum Court 192 Daughters of Isis (DOI) Calendar of Events
Fayum Temple 209 of Kansas Calendar of Events
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Fayum Court #192, DOI in the Junction City, Kansas Daily News

Fayum Court in the Junction City Daily Union News
Fayum Ct 192 float in the Sundown Salute Parade 2008

Photo above left to right: Illustrious Commandress Dt. Ella Foster, Imperial Deputy of the Oasis Dt.Viranda Slappy, Recordress Dt. Antionette Johnson, Dt. Ruby Hawkins and High Priestess Dt. Jackie Norman

On this page we'll describe some of the interesting and fun activities our organization sponsors.

Historical Events: 

Deputy Imperial Commandress, Dt. Ruth M. Ellerbee
Dt. Johnson, Dt. Ellerbee, Dt. Slappy, Dt. Woodard

Deputy Imperial Commandress, Dt. Ruth M. Ellerbee attended the Gala Days and Desert Conference event held in Overland Park, Kansas June 16-19, 2011. In the photo left to right: 1st Lt., Dt. Antionette Johnson, Deputy Imperial Commandress, Dt. Ruth M. Ellerbee, Imperial Deputy of Oasis, Dt. Viranda Slappy, Imperial Deputy of the Oasis, Dt. Sandra Woodard, Koran Court 37

Fayum Ct. 192 1st Annual Masquerade
Dance April 16, 2011 at the
VFW Junction City, Kansas

Illustrious Commandress and Advisor
Dt. Debbie Wooten and Noble Curtis Wooten

Illustrious Potentate and Illustrious Commandress
Noble Joe Barner and Dt. Viranda Slappy 2005-2006

Gala Days 2006
June 22-25 at the Ramada Inn Topeka, Kansas
Fashion Show, Banquet, and Relaxo


Fayum Court #192 in their walking suit attire enjoying the Fashion Show and Relaxo event. Left to right: PC Donna Althouse, Deputy of Oasis Phyllis Williams,  Daughter Linda Vinson, Treasure Joyce Peoples, Daughter Shireen Rivera, Illustrious Commandress Viranda Slappy, 1st Lt Corliss Barner


Fayum Temple #209 and Fayum Court #192, Illustrious Commandress Viranda Slappy and Deputy of Oasis Court # 44 Mildred Banks enjoying the Banquet festivities presenting a gift to the Imperial Deputy of the Desert Rosie Webb and dance entertainment by the Fayum Temple # 209

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Left to right: Illustrious Commandress Dt. Debbie Wooten (2009-2010) and Imperial Deputy of the Oasis Dt. Viranda Slappy. The Illustrious Commandress proudly presents Fayum Court 192, Daughter of Isis (DOI) winner of the Imperial Deputy of the Year 2011 Award from the 100th Imperial Session, DOI held in Cincinnati, Ohio August 12-18, 2011

Dt. Viranda Slappy serve as the Imperial Deputy of the Oasis of Fayum Court # 192 from December 2006 thru March of 2013

Illustrious Commandress and Imp Dep of the Oasis
Dt. Ella Foster and Dt. Viranda Slappy 2008-2009

Imp. Commandress Dt. Iris Moore at Gala Days 2009
Left to Right: Dt. Slappy, Dt. Reid, Dt. Webb and Dt. Hadley

Daughter Antionette Foster
Illustrious Commandress 2012 thru 2013

Noble Joe Barner,Sr. and Dt. Viranda Slappy
Historical Deputies January 2007 thru March 2013

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Upcoming Events

Deputy Imperial Commandress Dt. Ruth M. Ellerbee
Fayum Court 192 and Oasis 44 Daughters of Isis

Imperial Council Session
will be held in
Tampa, Florida
Aug 15-21, 2014
Registration Forms
are available on the
A.E.A.O.N.M.S website.

Imperial Session
Tampa, Florida
August 15-21
2014 Information
Click on link below

Imperial Session Registration Form Website Link

Honored Daughters

Honored Daughters at Desert Conference 2007

Imperial Deputy for the Desert of Kansas Dt. Rosie Webb #18 presented the honored Daughter of Isis with Trophies to the Imperial Deputies of Oasis and Illustrious Commandress for their outstanding support for 2007.
The recipients are Imperial Deputy of Oasis, Dt. Betty Warren-Hadley #18, Illustrious Commandress Dt. Warnetta Irving, Imperial Deputy of Oasis Fayum Court # 192 Dt. Viranda Slappy, Illustrious Commandress Dt. Corliss Barner, Imperial Deputy of Oasis Koran Court # 37, Dt. Sandra Woodard, Illustrious Commandress Dt. Doris Lewis and Imperial Deputy of Oasis, Oasis Court #44, Dt. Mary Reid, Illustrious Commandress Dt. Norma Avery.

To sign up or volunteer for an event, see our "Contact Us" page.

Copyright 2006, Desert of Kansas